Sunday, November 25, 2007

Salty Cedar Surf

I finally got a version of Sariah's website online!!! I learned some things and have some things to change but all in all, it's not too bad. She likes it and that's the important thing. I'm not dissatisfied with it, but I do want to make a few minor changes. Ultimately, I need to get photos for the Manchitos, a new family photo of her and also put Paypal usability features on it.

Anyway... Check it out here!!! My first web design project.


kristina said...

WOW! I AM IMPRESSED!! at both of you!!
p.s. my email is, I forgot yours.

Trena said...

It looks awesome Jessica! Who knew you could web design? I guess it runs in your family.

Pixie said...

Wow@ It's an awesome site! Congrats Jessica! :D