Friday, November 02, 2007

Magnus Laughed

Magnus laughed today for the first time.

I was upstairs on my computer and I could hear Uly talking to Mag and playing with him. I heard some really good belly laughs from that boy. He's made almost laughing sounds in the past but this was the first full on laugh.

November 2, 2007 - Magnus' first laugh.

Also, today I took the boys up to Soldier Hollow lodge and stood in line to get a Christmas tree tag. We will be able to go into the National Forest and cut our own tree. How fun will that be??? Way fun, me thinks! I believe this is the beginning of a new family tradition.


kristina said...

congratulations Magnus!! I love the hearing the first laugh!! and how fun to cut your own tree! Ben and I did that once but we didn't have a permit! shhhhh

Thorey said...

That sounds like so much fun to overhear. I wish you could have recorded it and emailed it around. It makes me so homesick for you guys.

I think chopping down a Christmas tree is a perfect tradition for a family with three boys. It sounds like a lot of fun!!