We are (or I should really say Uly is) the proud owner of an African Dwarf Frog. It's pretty darn adorable.
We went to the Orem Summerfest carnival last weekend - or was it the weekend before??? Anyway, Uly got to play a game where he tossed balls into cups. You know the one. If he got a ball into a cup, the prize was a frog. He didn't make any of the balls into the cups but the girl who ran the game must have thought he was adorable because she gave him one anyway. What a nice girl! She made his night. He forgot all about the rides and only had eyes for his little froggy.
On our way back to the car, we asked Uly what he wanted to name the frog. Uly randomly pulled a word out of his head - Arnolkardis. So that is our frog's name. Arnolkardis. Or is it Arnolcardis? How do you verify the spelling of a word that comes from the mind of a 4 year old?
Welcome to our family, Arnolkardis!
Here is a picture to show how adorable he is:
Below is proof that Ben is still the Ben we all know and love... He had his first Utah game last night. For a small group, I think he had a fun time. I'm probably going to get in trouble for posting this... hehehe.